Monday, September 10, 2012

Mommy Guilt Monday

Why do Mommies feel so guilty?

Is it just me? Please tell me it's not!

I have Mommy Guilt all. the. time. people.

Guilt for the things I did.

Guilt for the things I didn't do.

Guilt for not knowing.

Guilt for knowing and not doing.

The list is truly endless.

To help rid some of my Mommy Guilt I plan to unload some of it each Monday. If you're a Mommy reading this I fully expect you to join in and respond with some of the things that give you Mommy Guilt. It can be old guilt or new guilt. PLEASE join me! Don't leave this Mommy hangin'!

Ok! Currently I have Mommy Guilty about...

(1) Turning the coffee machine on each morning BEFORE anything else. Like greeting my daughter, or fixing her a cup of milk, or changing her very wet diaper. I said it. There I feel better. On to the next...

(2) Leaving Reese in tears this morning at Mother's Day Out. Full on tears. The ones where she's reaching out to me, and crying so hard she can't catch her breath. That sucked big time and this momma feels guilty about it. I looked at her in this condition and just walked out. I am not sure if I'll ever feel right about doing this.

(3) Hoping Reese gets all the poop out of her system either while Joe's watching her or at Mother's Day Out. It's one less dirty diaper that I'll have to change. I know, you may find this silly to feel guilty about--right? As Reese's Mommy I should want to change all her diapers. Well, I don't.

Are You Mom Enough to admit what gives you Mommy Guilt? I don't even know what that Time Magazine article meant when it asked "Are You Mom Enough?" Did anyone else? It just made me feel even more Mommy Guilt about not breastfeeding Reese longer and letting her sleep in bed with Joe and I.

Please unload your Mommy Guilt.
There will be no judgement.

Now I must have another cup of coffee to enjoy with my Biscoff cookies. Have you ever had a Biscoff cookie? If you haven't go immediately to the store to buy some. It's my cure for Mommy Guilt. Or, really they're a cure for most anything!

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