Monday, July 11, 2011

New Trick, Old Quick

Reese used to flip from her tummy to her back. She doesn't do this anymore and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because she can't or forgot how or doesn't desire to. She was always very motivated to flip over unto her back since she HATED being on her tummy.

Well, times they are a changing. Reese now LOVES flipping over unto her tummy. She loves it so much, in fact, that she wants to continue practicing this NEW TRICK in her crib morning, noon, and night.

when she should be SLEEPING of course!

I took these pictures as evidence.
Check out those tired eyes!

It was kind of cute at first. WRONG! It is NOT cute at 12 am, 3 am, 5 am and...well you get the idea. "The books" say a baby should lie sleeping on their back, so that's what we try to do. However, a few minutes after placing Reese on her back she'll flip over unto her tummy and start crying. So we'll go flip her over and this process repeats and repeats. We have left her to cry it out for a while to see if she'll fall asleep on her tummy, but this isn't really working either. I think I will write my own book soon. I just need to figure all this parenting stuff out first.  

On top of this, Reese is teething and we are about to leave on a family trip. It should be an interesting plane ride and vacation. 

If there are any mothers reading this who have any helpful tips, advice, or suggestions don't hesitate to offer them up! Cuz' this NEW TRICK is getting OLD QUICK!

Reese is fortunate she's adorable, cute, funny, beautiful (inside and out), and unconditionally loved. I hate missing out on sleep, but I wouldn't trade her for anything! 

Well, maybe an updated model that only rolls over during playtime. Does anyone know where I might go to get one of those?

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